The Collective

About the Project

Title: Community Manager

Client: The Collective

Duration: Nov 2023 - ongoing

Tools: Discord, Adobe Ilistrater, Adobe Premire, Paint, Spreed Sheets, and bots.

Overview of the clents:
In the game Hades Star there is a corporation called The Collective, its a very old corporation I have been a member for 4 years. In Nov. there was a large update to the game. Player base dropped drastically. I worked with my team of leaders to develop new ways to keep people engaged with the corp and the game. The Collective over the years has had over hunderd active memebers. At this time the numbers have droped to about 40 players in The Collective however our server hosts

The Colletive

About the Game

A bit of a overview of the game, Hades Star came out of beta in August 21, 2017 and was released globally. Players develop their own star systems called Yellow Stars. Players spend years developing these systems. Exploring space developing the planets. Players join corporations with other players who help them develop their systems.

There is another star type called a Red Star, it's a Player vs Environment (Non-player charters). These matches take about 10 mins and need to be run once a day. It's how players develop their tech as the game progresses there are different levels to the game. The end game is Dark Red Star 12, however no one has this unlocked at this time, the highest people are in the game a present is level Dark Red Star 11.

An other star type is a Blue Star. This is a Player vs Player match that takes roughly 3 mins in Battle Royal Style Game. Players are matched up based on tech levels.

The final star type is called a White Star. It's a Player vs Player game that includes Asynchronous co-operation, slow down time, and spawns five days. The matchs our 10 players from one team and 10 from another. They’re in-depth straghy players/teams have developed over the years to create changes over the years.

This game is played on mobile, desktop, and x-box. Most users play on their desktop, while others play only on there phones. Discord is often used for commutation outside of the game. Where friendships are developed with people inside the corps And at least one marrage has taken place from meet within the game.

Please visit my vidoe page to view the game, most of the videos I have made are about the this game.

User Persona

The Colletive

Cat Meme's and team building


The Problem

With the release of an update to the game there was overhaul in the game, people become very frustrated with the changes and many players stopped playing the game. There had not been an update to the game in two years. There was a drastic drop in players in the game.

White Star changed drasticly, there used to be rewards with the release of the update to the game these rewards where done away with for the personal player instend the corp got a bonus, ad to arts the player would pick up in red stars.

The Solution

Create a engaing enverment, for the players to help them want to keep playing and checking in to the corp and signing up for white stars.

This might of involed some cat memes.

Note: my user name is Neko.

Team Building

Set Up

I want to allow players to fill ownership of thier roles for the week unlike other matchs where players were given builds for thier ships and roles to play. I gave the freedom to pick what they wanted to play. They would prose there ship to me and I would aprove them.

The Colletive

First day Plans

I'd post a plan, that would set up the match. after that the players would have to work together for the rest of the week. to make it hoppen

Here is a map I made for the first day of the match.

The Colletive
The Colletive

Players on this team where spread out across the globe. Japan, India, England, Norway, a others in North America. Making sure players have a understand of what they are working on for the week. Often I place players that sleep habits line up on the same team. Other times I let them work together to make it work.

Rest of the Week

My orders page is for cat memes only. It forces my players to talk to each other. If there is a big event that the whole teams needs to be aware of then orders well be given.

Most leaders in the game give alot of orders to players, and the players begain to relay on these orders and no longer watch the game.

Please enjoy this cat meme.

The Colletive
The Colletive

Here is the team working together to solve a problem.

The resolutes form that week.

The team we faced was one of the top teams in the game. They are rank #6.

The Colletive

Most teams are more orders based, here is a example of a differnet leader in my group

The Colletive

The Results

Plays reported feeling more invoted in the match they where able to work together wtih out waiting for the lead to be aviable to plain an move.

A visiter said this, was differnt alot more acitve. Then I had thought, it was better forced peopel to engage removing the orderds.

As a leader, I never faced the same issues other leaders often face with of getting too wrap up in the match. Nor did I have the same burn out issues. I could scan and play the game in my free time and trust my team would be able to solve what ever problem came there why.