UX Case Studies

Urban Wizard Retreat

UX Research, Design

The New Yorker

UX Research Case Studay this was part of school project for a course I took at Fashion Institute of Technology

  • Problem: Attracting adults 25 - 40 to read the New Yorker
  • Answer: Redesign the settings menu.

UX Research, UI Design, Development

Urban Wizard Retreat

I was the solo designer and developer for this project. I created the branding, website, and marketing materials. I also created the content for the website and social media. I also develop emails for this project, customizing them for release and coding them

  • Problem: Traveling outside of NYC when a user doesn't have a car is hard.
  • Answer: Detailed travel page researching the users they can get to the location.
Urban Wizard Retreat
Urban Wizard Retreat

UI Design, VR, UX Research

Is it to hot? VR Case Study

This was a project I worked on for Major League Baseball to provide ticking experince using VR.

  • Problem: Baseball fans want to know where the sun well be during a game before they buy a ticket to a game
  • Answer: Provide a VR experince they allows a user to view where there seat well be located before they buy there ticket.